Monday, March 30, 2015

Agency Highlight: Brockton Visiting Nurse Association

(BVNA's Historic Sign)
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Beverly Pavasaris, the President of the Brockton Visiting Nurse Association (BVNA).  It was fascinating to learn how the BVNA has utilized its partnership with the United Way to further expand its service to the surrounding area.  United Way of Greater Plymouth County helps to fund the BVNA's Provision of Home and Health Care for Underinsured/Uninsured Elders.  This initiative has three specific goals: improvement in management of oral medication, improve patients' grooming abilities and improve ambulation within the home.  Beverly feels strongly that our synergy has allowed the community to receive additional care and services that normally would exceed expense limitations.  "Our partnership offers amazing value," Beverly exclaimed.  From our conversation, I could see that Beverly's passion and dedication to serving the community radiates throughout the organization as a whole. 

The BVNA's foundation dates back to 1904.  Back then, all of the services were conducted by a single nurse.  Treatment was labor intensive and transportation consisted of walking and horse and "pung" (a sleigh with a box-like body).   It wasn't until 1966 when Medicare and Medicaid legislation was introduced that the idea of home healthcare became a focal point in society.

Today, the BVNA provides home care services to over 30 communities in Southeastern Massachusetts, with an average daily census of nearly 900 patients.  Their staff consists of over 100 nurses, therapists, and home heath aids that make more than 1,700 visits per week.  In order to maintain their high level of quality care, they strive for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's (IHI) "Triple Aim" of superior outcomes, exceptional patient experiences, and cost-effective care through population health strategies.  Beverly felt strongly that the BVNA's success was a product of partnering with community organizations.

The BVNA provides prevention, treatment, and educational services in order to provide holistic care to the surrounding community.  Their importance in society stems from the changing needs in the healthcare system.  Their services allow people to receive quality treatment in a comfortable and familiar place without hospitalization.  The BVNA offers a wide variety of patient services such as cardiac care, respiratory care, IV therapy, diabetes, oncology, wound care, complex health care, chronic care management, palliative care, pediatric care, and rehabilitation. 

Having the opportunity to step inside such a unique and community driven organization was a true pleasure. The services the BVNA provides make them an indispensable asset to our community.  If you are interested in learning more about the BVNA, check out their website at

-Reese Bomberger Stonehill College, Class of 2016, Marketing Intern